My Journey: You are the Centre.

“The world doesn’t revolve around you.”

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

This phrase is dangerous.

This phrase completely destroys your sense of worth. It can make someone feel undeserving, putting themselves way behind others. Let me tell you something though. You probably never hear this before, but here it is.

The world revolves around you.

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What I mean by this is that your world revolves around you. Everything that you find important in your life has an importance on your life.

Your passions, hobbies, interests and pastimes are all apart of your world, and not necessarily anyone else’s.

We all live in our own worlds. We all have problems and go through tough situations. Mine can look completely different from yours, but they are still problems and they impact us in different ways.

You are the centre of your world, and it is important to start realizing it. Society kind of messed this up for us though.

We are taught never to put our problems first, because “there are people in the world with worse problems than us” (sounds familiar again, eh?).

So what?

Our problems effect us more than the problems of someone else in the world. Our problems still impact our lives, and are important to fix.

It seems like society likes to put us down a lot. Humbleness is expected a lot of us nowadays, yet while some is necessary, too much can be quite harmful to one’s self esteem.

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We are told to be confident in ourselves, however when we try to show it we are quickly labelled as cocky and egotistical. Many people are scared of these labels, and therefore rarely express pride in any of their strengths and qualities.

This is very dangerous, as it can get to a point where you start listening to your words, and stop seeing the great things about yourself. Some people even get to a point where they even stop liking who they are.

This can be with the way someone looks or acts. For more on body image, check out my previous blog post My Journey: The Art of not Giving a Sh*t. 😉

This isn’t to say that you are allowed to be mean to someone else. Just because you have strengths and qualities doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t. Be kind, and don’t be afraid of living your life in this world the way you want to.

You are at the centre of it, anyway.

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Starting ruling the world, pals. Peace out.

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