My Journey: The Art of Not Giving a Sh*t.

One thing I learnt through my journey into living a happy life is something that is unimaginably difficult. It’s something that we are constantly told.

Stop caring.

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Stop caring about things that have no effect whatsoever on your life. This includes:

  • What people think about you,
  • Embarrassing situations (for the most part),
  • Following trends,
  • Impressing others,
  • Whatever puts you down in life.

It seems that my My Journey blog series really favours lists.

But the truth really is, you are only happy once you stop caring about what others think about you. This is because people’s thoughts have no impact on your life. Who cares if someone doesn’t like the way you dress? Their feelings shouldn’t have an effect on how you choose to express yourself.

For many people, so much energy is put into pleasing those around them while almost none is put into pleasing themselves.

To be truly happy, you must be yourself. Suppressing the ‘uncool’ or ’embarrassing’ sides of yourself will harm you heaps.

This also coincides with issues regarding body image.

On Christmas day of 2016, the Youtube algorithms worked their magic as a certain song was recommended to me. This song is called The Name of the Sin. Have a listen to it (and read the subtitles, most importantly):

The story of this song changed the way I saw beauty image completely.

All I have to say is that we aren’t all beautiful. However, we shouldn’t let a lack of symmetry and proportion change the way we live our lives.

A person who is attractive, will go to the store just like a not-so-attractive person. They eat, they sleep, they learn, they grow. Hell, they even poop! So who cares in the end?

It is true that society cares a lot about one’s beauty. But if you don’t have what they are looking for, there is nothing you can do but try to live the life you want. Don’t let something as superficial as looks decide what life path you choose to take.

There’s also the question about the whole romantic, dating side of things. How would it feel to be loved only for your looks? Loved not for your qualities, personality, ambitions and goals, but for something you have no control in: the way you look.

Let me tell you this: a person who truly loves you couldn’t care less about the way you look. And if they did, they simply don’t love you as much as they should.

So I guess this sums up what I learnt from not caring about things that only hold you back in life.

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Instead of focusing your energy into changing who you are for the liking of others, focus your energy into growing who you are as a human being. Dive deep into your essence and make sure to stay true to yourself.

This concludes the second blog post of my blog series: My Journey, where I write about what I have learnt over my Spiritual Awakening of sorts. I’m baffled to see that I got likes and follows just from my previous post. Thank you so much everyone!

I love you all lots so please stop caring, pals. Peace out.

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