My Journey: Go Eat a Squirrel if You Want. It’s All up to You.

I remember talking to my mother about working, and her job (which she likes a lot) one day. Like many jobs, there are periods where stress, anxiety and nervousness are present. We were talking about these kind of times during her work when she said

“Oh well. It’s life.”

Many people feel this way too. Heck, in a society where we are taught to follow a system since infancy it is probably so.

However this idea of “it’s life” removes all freedom and sense of control from someone. It states that there is nothing you can do about it, since that’s what the world is like. It picks you up, like a Mii in the Mii plaza, and drops you into unavoidable stressful situations.

How would it feel for me to tell you that in the end, many of these ‘unavoidable’ stressful situations can end almost instantaneously?

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Of course you can’t avoid the death of a family member, or being diagnosed with a certain illness, however work, school, relationships, etc. are all under your control.

So how are you in control? As scary as it is, you can choose not to obey the system you have been put in. Think about it like this:

You don’t need to go to school. You have only been conditioned to think and feel as though you must do so. But in reality, you will still be alive if you don’t go to school. You just won’t be following the system, and will have to reject the herd mentality humans have.

The only things we need to live (not the most comfortable of lives) revolve around nature: food, water, and shelter. That’s it, that’s all.

It isn’t totally possible to go against society, unless you go live off grid in the wilderness like our ancestors. Kill squirrels, eat their meat. Drink acidic rain water for hydration. Just like the good old days. However, we shouldn’t let the socially constructed ideal of being wealthy and successful determine what we do in life. If you don’t like what you’re doing, you won’t ever be happy, even with all the money you earn.

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This point is most important for when you are in the workforce. If you don’t like your job, remember that it’s in your control to be there or not. It isn’t worth wasting 40 years of your life doing something you dislike. You can easily quit, even though it is very scary.

While I don’t suggest dropping out of school is a great idea, the mentality stating that you are in complete control of what you do is very liberating, and quite necessary for a good mental-health.

Take this information and use it wisely, my friends. Make your life exactly what you want it to be. While it’s scary going agaisnt the ‘ideal’ life constructed by society, you will only find happiness living it the way you want to.

We are creators, so make your life your own, pals. Peace out.


Image result for peace hand transparent

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