My Journey: Introduction

In the late spring of 2015, I started having what I call my Spiritual Awakening™. A veil was lifted from my eyes and I was finally able to see what is real and what isn’t.

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List of things that aren’t real:

  • Money
  • School
  • Work
  • Tests
  • Numbers
  • Time (with numbers)
  • Pretty much every damn thing apart from nature.

What I mean by ‘not real’ is that if a person didn’t create it, it wouldn’t exist.

What I got from this is that the only things keeping me unhappy in life are things that aren’t even real. That is something that honestly f****d with me after this realization.

In the summer vacation of 2015, I decided to change my life.

I realized that the only real things there are in this unreal world is nature and emotion. Nature is perfect the way it is, so I won’t mess with that. But emotion, specifically my own emotion is something I can have total control over. I will do anything in order to be happy.

Happiness is what I’m going to live for, is what I decided.

At this point I let go of anything holding me back from happiness, and concentrate all my energy into fulfilling my goals and being happy.

Crappy friends? Bye. Pointless extracurricular activity? See ya, you waste of time. Body image issues? Flushed down the damn toilet.

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I then put my focus into things that make me happy and help me succeed my goals. I made more time for art, I made more time for spending time with my friends, I put a lot more energy into studying, learning Japanese, and concentrated on visualizing the life I want to live.

This changed my life. I seemed to succeed in everything I did from then on. My marks increased as I went from an 80s student to a 90s student. My dreams turned into plans.

Happiness was, is, and will forever on be coming.

When I hear that people are completely miserable over a situation that is completely in their control, it boggles my mind. Life is too short for sh*t like that.

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I hope this blog series will get to someone feeling this way, hopefully leading them into seeing that there is so much more to life than what brings them down.

Thanks for reading the first post in this blog series: My Journey.

Stay smiling, pals. Life’s too short to frown. Peace out.

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P.S. I hope y’all are alright with my foul language. Especially you Mr. Plewis, reading this. Not expecting something as filthy as that, from a boy as proper as David Moraru. Let me tell you, Mr. Plewis. Life is never what we think it is. Stay well, stay happy.

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