The Good and the Not-So Good

Judging is probably one of the best things the human being is at doing.

This, my first blog post, will concentrate solely on my judgement of two blogs: a good one, and a.. well… not-so good one.

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Being the positive person I am, I shall start with an absolutely magnificent blog called Budget Bytes, a wonderful blog designed to share affordable, yet delicious recipes for a countless number of foods.

Screenshot 2017-09-11 at 1.23.35 PMFrom the first look at the blog it’s easy to tell that whoever runs it has their stuff together. The title is large and catchy, and the alliteration used will surely chisel the blog’s name into anyone’s brain.

The glorious beauty of this blog has me wondering if I have any sense of design whatsoever as photos of delicious-looking food invade your browser screen the moment you open up the Budget Bytes website. Navigation is made to be simple and precise, allowing viewers of the blog to find whichever recipe they want as the layout of the blog is simple and efficient.

Apart from a stunning appearance and efficient layout, each blog post containing a recipe is accompanied by a quick, yet thorough explanation of how the recipe was developed and on the food being cooked. These explanations are engaging, interesting and makes a blog viewer’s experience on Budget Bytes even better than it already is.

Budget Bytes is truly a wonderful blog – a blog that should be used as inspiration for any blog-creators out there.

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It’s pretty upsetting that the happiness of this blog post will pause as we discover a new blog together. A blog that can probably emotionally (and physically) hurt a person with a modest amount of taste when it comes to graphic design.

Here is Readbud.

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You may not be able to understand what is written in the blog since it’s actually written in Romanian, which so happens to be my maternal language (it was all a coincidence). The blog explains how people can earn money through Readbud by reading online articles… or something of the sort.

Smell that? It smells like the stench of scam to me.

But in all seriousness, even as a person who understands what is written in the blog, I’m completely confused on how Readbud works. Communication is definitely not one of the blog’s strengths (as if it has any). The writing in Readbud’s posts is boring and kills any desire of continuing the journey through the blog.

Apart from its content being confusing, the blog itself is just purely ugly. No effort has gone into its design.

The design of the blog has me wondering if the blog’s creator has accidentally clicked the “make public” button a little too early, or if they are simply a mean, scamming troll.

Readbud’s confusing design and lack of communication skills can easily label it as a not-so good blog.

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This is where my blog post comes to an end. Through the exploration of a good and not-so good blog, I can say that I have learnt what and what not to do when making a blog:


  • Create a catchy title

  • Fill blog with visually stimulating images

  • Create an efficient layout to facilitate navigation

  • Write interesting blog posts regarding the post’s subject


  • Write unclear blog posts

  • Throw the concept of graphic design in the trash

  • Scam helpless Romanians into reading articles for money

I’d like to conclude by saying that we can learn through judgement. There is always stuff to learn from something good, as well as from something not-so good.

Thank you for reading my first blog post, and don’t stop judging.

Peace out.

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